Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last Letter From Nana

My Dearest Sarah,
Where did you get this beautiful baby? Ah! He is the most sure of himself. By this I mean he smiles a lot. Beautiful photos which I would not part with for anything, they are mine.And to see him walking now is something else, he is a little star. Does he say words like Mama, Papa or Sunny? I bet he says Mama.

He is my Great Grandchild.

To stay here is so much walking around by visitors, it seems like they all come to visit at the same time.

You know Sarah, I understand everything that goes on in one day, soon it will all be the 'Other day' OK? Don't worry about coming here soon, everything will come as it is supposed to, so take it easy. Don't worry anymore. It is not worth it, it doesnt make sense believe me, the more you worry the more its getting worse.Don't be like me to worry about everything. Just pray and all will be fine.

Well Sarah, how are you? I know you like Hawaii so much, you are so lucky to live there so do not worry anymore. How is Tony? How is his little business? I hope it goes around well and it keeps you on your toes.

Before I sign off, take Elijah in your arms and kiss him for me. I love you Sarah. Take care of yourself and your children. Sunny likes it there, she came here wih DOnas. She talks more than ever.

Well, next letter will be more interesting, not so boring.
Love you Sarah, love to everybody.
Love and prayers,


Allison said...

"Last Letter" doesn't mean she died, right? It just means this is the last letter you received...right?

Julie Hibbard said...

Tears are streaming down my face Sarah. She wrote me so many times over the last six months. ALWAYS told me that she was watching baseball too.
I am amazed that I am so sad! It was so expected and such a long time coming. I can't believe it's real.
Thanks for posting this...
I love you!

PETE Di LALLO said...

I thought I wouldn't cry either but this is a sad/great letter...

Stephanie Ragland said...

What a wonderful letter!