Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mint Mocha's and Memories

It's been a while, yes I know. Wish my absence was the result of my schedule being so full that I haven't sat down in 6 months but it's not! AT the moment it's 6:25 am and I am drinking a mint mocha with Soy milk and wishing all of you were going to stop in for coffee on your way to work.

The reason for this post is to get a few new pictures up, I hope, of my little Fromaster Junior! I know you havent seen him lately and that makes us all sad!
What a cutie. What a cute little sweet little funny little man!

Our computers, YES plural, do not work very well and I cant get online when it's convenient!
SO here are some pix and I promise to be a better blogger, after all I really look forward to reading yours, maybe it's the same for you!


Julie Hibbard said...

Cute cute cute cute cute!!!
Did he 'tag' that drawing in the back ground with the spray paint?
Your children are beautiful Sarah! So love to see them enjoying life and having so much fun with each other!!
Thanks for taking the time to share!
Love you!!!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Great to see you blogging again...the little man and little woman are really something...
The Republican VP nominee, Sarah Palin's kids have cute but different names...how about we call Elijah

Stephanie Ragland said...

Hooray! Your blogging again! I'll check in everyday...I miss you so much it brings me to tears!Soon,very soon! we will be together again!Kiss Mr Eli for me!