It's getting easier and easier to be a good parent. All of a sudden these two beautiful kids are so much more important than me and my problems. At the end of the day I am SO grateful and thankful and I know that we are doing what were supposed to do even though it seems so silly sometimes.
I always thought that we'd have a few more visitors and couch surfers but there is always time for that.
However, my parents better not die while I'm out here on an island.
I cant handle the thoughts of their deaths yet and forbid them from dieing for at least 15 years.
Got it?
15 years. I'll be 47!!!!!!!!
Holy CRAP!
Outstanding pictures of your awesome kids...I wish I was there every day...
Leesa, the kids and Debby surprised us by coming down around midnight last night...we were expecting them to come today...
15 more years???
You will love parenting even MORE as they get older--I swear it gets better with every passing day. As they begin to have their own personality and develop their identity--outside of being your kid--it's the reward of parenting. And then they go out on their own and have their own life--THAT is the best! You know you did good when they have their own place, a job they love, plans for their own future and success that you know you had a part in creating.
I loved every second of being MOM to my kids as they grew up. I love NOW even more...no regrets, great adult kids and time for ME too!
47 will be the BEST time of your life. Not that I know from personal experience, but 45 has been THE best year of my life. NO DOUBT about it! Life gets better and more enjoyable each day.
Love on those babies and kiss them for Juju!
GO DODGERS, huh???
The guitar picture is unbelievably cute!
Those are two of the cutest kids ever. I miss you guys.....
omg!! I just saw the pictures of you with Stephanie a couple days ago! I can't believe Sunny's almost a woman!! I remember going to one of her b-day parties, just a wee one.
She's beautiful and so is your baby boy!! So cute, a beautiful family!! I'm so happy for you!! And you are living in Hawaii!!! omg! Super lucky! :)
Tons of happy ness to you and yours!
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