Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Full Moons and Babies

My dear friend Stephanie had a big baby boy last night naturally, on his due date!
8 pounds 10 ounces.....
Jack Thurman Ragland joins, Cassi, Jaren and Mary-Jane to make 4.
And he is the 30th Grandchild for her parents!


Julie Hibbard said...

I love the name Jack! 30 grandkids is crazy. What does Christmas morning look like??

Gina Vistaunet said...

That is 3 too many kids for me!!! Jack makes me think of "Jack, Jack" from Titanic when she's laying on the door in the water.

PETE Di LALLO said...

Christmas morning?
If they were Chinese they could do a great drill...
there are enough of them, if they all get together, to do a live play of Jesus' birth, Mary & Joseph, the Wise Men, all the animals and the inkeeper and his family...and maybe some of the villagers...

Jack is a cool name...