Thursday, October 16, 2008

Getting old, getting weird.

My friends are getting married, making 6 figures or traveling the world.
It's so hard to feel good about myself when I cant even take care of myself properly.
Nothing's really worked out for us here, or anywhere. I've pissed away my talents and my future is here and rather dull. My biggest project now is rounding up enough funds to get home for A holiday.
This isn't a post about being poor, really.
It's more about not following your dreams and actually using the talents that someone with an actual plan might have given you. This can't be all that I am here for? Costing my parents money still and not only, not making ends meet but joining others in a hole. Making 12 bucks an hour including tips and wearing the same bra and shoes everyday while doing it.

Do I like where I live? Yes. Oxygen ocean open spaces.
We need our OWN house....I need our own house with a room with a door that I can put SOMEONE in and shut it when I need to. I need to fix my credit and fix the past. Our shop is SO CLOSE to doing great but we never have enough stuff.
What started this was learning that my friend Kirk is getting married, to a stick figure certainly, and he's always done everything he wanted to do, sometimes VERY WELL.
Wish I could say the same thing.
This isn't my fate I'm living is it?
I'm a MOM.
And an employee.
Thats it.

Pity Party at my house.


Julie Hibbard said...

"It is never too late to live happily ever after..." Ok, that's kinda cliche, but the TRUTH is, figuring out what you want. And then doing what you need to get there.
Do you want to go back to school? Sing? It's never never never too late. Do it! Do you need to move back to California so we can help you do those things?
I will say that THIS is the craziest time I can ever remember! Banks closing, wall street crashing, people losing their jobs and homes...the Dodgers losing! (BOO!)
Write down your goals. Take time to figure them goals, financial goals, home goals, etc.
What can you do each day that would lead you to your goals?
I love you.
I've been on that same train of thought many times in the last 20 plus years. Especially the last 4 or so.
I love your kids too.
They are the reason you keep going on, I know that for sure.
Let me know your thoughts--email me!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, it is 1:51 a.m. and I am also sorting things out about my life. I thought I was going somewhere with my photography. And even if you think it is funny, the Dilallo sister's always came to my mind when I wanted to create a more positive me. When I want to keep my self grounded I think about you and your sisters. Your priority in lifes are your family, material things are last. Well, maybe this doesn't help. I have a scramble mind and therefore my thoughts come out the same way. Anyway, I am going through a point in my life where I need to make a decision. Well, what I mean to say is that I am with you besides, you have a family that loves you unconditionally.


Stephanie Ragland said...

Know that I love you, and there's a pity party at my house too!