Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Mele Kalikemaka


Eliane said...

Your kids are so beautiful.
I understand about being away and sad. If I had to live my life all over again I would not have moved away from my family.... too confusing.
Big hugs to all.

PETE Di LALLO said...

Eliane...I agree it may have been confusing for you but we are super proud of Sarah for venturing out and enjoying herself...
great picture of the kidlets Sarah...we sure are happy Alex.G. Bell invented the phone...was fun talking to you and Sunny yesterday...
Sunny, be careful with the BB gun; you don't wanna poke your eye out!!!

Julie Hibbard said...

GREAT shot of Hawaiian Santa and the Aloha kids!
Be sure to tell Sunny that I am so proud of her sitting on his lap this year!!
Love you...great to talk to you!