Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Our good friends Blake, Amber and Tosh are here on the island, as well as my old roomate Rob. To celebrate their visits and the Belated Grand Opening of our sweet Skate Shop, we had a rockin' party on Saturday. D.J. Cedar (a father of one of the kids in Sunny's Class) let Tony use his turntables for a while. He hasn't played in a year, since he sold his turntables when we moved here........Anyways, we raffled off a few boards and shirts and served 60 hot dogs and a hundred sodas! It was SO fun!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

3 word answers!

1. Where is your cell phone?
dead as usual.
2. Where is your boyfriend/girlfriend or Husband/Wife ?
at the skatepark
3. Where is your father?
probably at work
4. Cheesecake?
my true undoing

5. Your favorite thing to do?
stay up late
6. Your dream last night?
elijah was big
7. Your favorite drink?
coffee with cream
8. The room you're in?
rasta skate shop
9. George Bush?
Alfred E. Newman

10. What you're good at?
Just about everything
11. One of your wish list items?
my own house
12. Where did you grow up?
South Orange County
13. The last thing you did?
helped a customer
14. What are you wearing?
my new skirt
16. Ketchup?
with french fries
17. Your computer?
comes in handy
18. Your life?
not too bad
19. Your mood?
i'm pretty tired
20. What are you thinking about right now?
gotta make money
21. Your car is?
mobile roach coach

22. Your summer?
endless summer here
23. Your relationship status?
i'm in love
24. Your favorite color?
i like purples
25. When is the last time you laughed?
i always laugh!

Friday, September 14, 2007

recent kid pix!

Sunny said she was a "crystal ball person".

Elijah gets all the chicks!

Friday, September 7, 2007


Sea Turtles are like the oceans goodwill ambassadors, liasons between humans and sea creatures!
They are really this friendly and wise! And not hard to find around here either!

These are just a FEW reasons I love where we live!!


Green Sand Beach...Olivine Crystal

Hippies and Coconuts!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

My Baby Got Back

Sunny is home from hanging out with her Dad for the last 10 days. She slept here a few times but spent all waking hours with him! We've missed her....however we started moving today and will be in our new house by monday, so we were really busy in the meantime!

Boy, Do I love her!